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Watch & Talk with Sigal

Week Eleven: TV Series - Unorthodox - Netflix Episode 1 - 52 minutes


  1. Did you find use of flashbacks in the episode added or detracted from your viewing experience?
  2. Why does Etsy abandon her suitcase and what significant items did she decide to take with her?

    Week Ten Video Review

To learn about the Six Day War  CLICK HERE

For more information about the Israel Water Carrier Project and the Water Diversion Plan  CLICK HERE

For information about Eli Cohen, his wife Nadia's reaction to the Spy series on Netflix and more  CLICK HERE

Week Ten: TV SERIES - The Spy - Netflix
Duration Episode 5 - 50 minutes - Duration Episode 6 - 62 minutes


  1. What are the emotional tolls of the mission experienced by Eli and his wife Nadia?
  2. How did you feel about the series ending where it began? 
  3. Throughout the series, the only visible connection that we see of Eli to his religious identity takes place moments before his death? What do you think that the director meant for us to understand as a result?

    Week Nine  Video Review

 For an incredibly meaningful photo that speaks to the resilient spirit of us all CLICK HERE
For information about the History of Syria and the Ba'ath Party CLICK HERE
For information about the Sea of Galilee and the Eucalyptus Tree CLICK HERE


Week Nine: TV SERIES - The Spy - Netflix
Duration Episode 3 - 55 minutes / Duration Episode 4 - 56 minutes

Series Synopsis: In the 1960's, Israeli clerk-turned-secret agent Eli Cohen goes deep undercover
inside Syria on a perilous years-long mission to spy for Mossad.


  1. Do you think Dan's concerns over Eli's methods are well founded? If yes, why and if no, why not?
  2. How do the struggles faced by Eli and his wife mirror one another?

Week Eight - The Spy Video Review - Episodes 1 & 2

For information about some of the places featured in episode one CLICK HERE

Week Eight: TV SERIES- The Spy
Netflix: Duration Episode 1 - 47 minutes  / Duration Episode 2 - 49 minutes

Series Synopsis: In the 1960's, Israeli clerk-turned-secret agent Eli Cohen goes deep undercover
inside Syria on a perilous years-long mission to spy for Mossad.


  1. In episode one, we find the Mossad desperate to place an agent inside Syria. Why do you think that was the case?
  2. In episode two, we find Cohen still relatively new to the game in the field. In what ways does his 'rookie' behavior potentially place the entire mission at risk?

    Week Seven - Suicide Video Review

For reviews and more information about the film CLICK HERE
To learn more about the Hebrew Word Hitabdut CLICK HERE
To check out Jerusalem in the news this week, CLICK HERE

Week Seven: Suicide - Netflix - Duration 1 hour 53 minutes
Synopsis: A young, successful lawyer has to commit the perfect crime in just one day in order to save her family from a psychotic loan-shark.

Did you enjoy the film? If yes, why and if not, why not?
Dubbed the " first action thriller to come out of Israel", why do you think that the director chose to film in Jerusalem and not somewhere else in Israel?

Week Six - Sand Storm Video Review

For reviews and interviews with director Elite Zexer CLICK HERE
To learn more about the Bedouins In Israel CLICK HERE

Week Six: Sand Storm
Netflix - Duration 1 hour 37 minutes

Synopsis:  In Southern Israel, a teen's forbidden love affair challenges the traditions of her Bedouin mother and father.

What role did the marriages portrayed in the film play?
What scene was the most powerful in your opinion?

Week 5: Maktub Video Review

To Learn More About the Jewish Perspective Around the Question of Fate vs Destiny, click HERE

To Learn More About The Kotel in the News, click HERE

Week Five: In Celebration of Yom Ha'Atzmuat: Maktub
Netflix - Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes

Synopsis: After surviving a restaurant bombing in Jerusalem, two criminals decide to change their ways. They fulfill the wishes of strangers by answering prayers left at the Wailing Wall.

1. Did you enjoy the film? If yes, why and if no, why not?
2. Have you ever put a note into the Wailing Wall? What was the experience like for you?

Week 4: Numbered Video Review

To learn more about numbering and counting in the Jewish tradition click HERE

To learn more about Tattooing and the taboo surrounding it click HERE

Week 3 - Foxtrot Video Review

Synopsis: A troubled family finds themselves immersed in even more sorrow when something goes tragically wrong at their son's military post and they struggle to cope with the news that has hit them.

Week Four: In honour of Yom Ha'Shoah: Numbered
Netflix - Duration: 55 minutes (English Subtitles)
Synopsis: Guided by survivors' testimonies, this Israeli documentary explores the history and meaning
of the numbers tattooed on the bodies of Auschwitz prisoners.

1- What was the most difficult part of the film for you to watch?

2- How did you feel when you saw that some family members

chose to tattoo themselves with their family members' numbers?

Extra Content:
History of the Israel Film Fund
Review Sites

Week 2 - Angel Video Review

Synopsis: Based on the NYT bestselling book, "The Angel: The Egyptian Spy Who Saved Israel" by Uri Bar-Joseph. True story of Ashraf Marwan, who was President Nasser's son-in-law and special adviser and confidant to his successor Anwar Sadat - while simultaneously Israeli Intelligence's most precious asset of the 20th century. 

Week 3 Movie: Foxtrot - Netflix
Duration: 1 hour 54 minutes (English Subtitles)

Synopsis: A troubled family finds themselves immersed in even more sorrow when something goes tragically wrong at their son's military post and they struggle to cope with the news that has hit them.  


1- Why do you think director Samuel Maoz
decided to name the film Foxtrot?

2- Can you find examples in the film that
make it both specific and universal?

Week 1 - Red Sea Diving Resort Video Review

The film's release in the summer of 2019, was very topical given the protests that erupted in Israel following the shooting of 18-year-old Solomon Tekah by an Israeli police officer. 

Click HERE for a list of sites that chronicles the protests of Ethiopian-Israelis from the summer of 2019 plus current news relevant to our discussion. While the film recounts the successful operation that brought thousands of Ethiopian Jews home to Israel, we know that their journey merely began where the film ends. 

While much has been accomplished, there is a great deal more to be done. Click HERE for an overview of the situation for Ethiopian-Israelis.

The film's message of hope and the work being done to improve life for Ethiopian Israelis in Israel at the behest of our younger generation is echoed in Director Gideon Raff's choice of music featured in the film. Click HERE to learn about The Idan Raichel Project, who created the song Mi'ma'amakim which played during the credits of the film.

Week 2: The Angel - Netflix - Duration: 1 hr 54 min
Synopsis: Based on the NYT bestselling book, "The Angel: The Egyptian Spy Who Saved Israel" by Uri Bar-Joseph. True story of Ashraf Marwan, who was President Nasser's son-in-law and special adviser and confidant to his successor Anwar Sadat - while simultaneously Israeli Intelligence's most precious asset of the 20th century. 

After you watch the film please post your comments  to the following questions on our Facebook Group:

1. Double agent or pacifist of the highest order? What do you think were the motives of 'The Angel'?

2. What do you think Director Ariel Vromen did well in this film and what opportunities do you think he may have missed?

March 20, 2020 
Watch & Talk with Sigal Introduction

Tue, 11 February 2025 13 Shevat 5785