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 by UJA Toronto


What You Can Do Right Now:

Speak up about how you would like Toronto to allocate your tax dollars. We encourage Torontonians to participate in the city’s budget consultation. We need to ensure the police are resourced to effectively address rising hate crime in our city. 

Fight Antisemitism through Legal Action: We have convened some of the top legal minds in our community to donate their time to combat antisemitism through CIJA’s Legal Task Force. Through legal action, we are working to hold accountable those who spread antisemitism. If you are a student who has experienced antisemitism—or if you have faced discrimination for being Jewish or pro-Israel in other sectors, such as the workplace—please reach out and let us know. 

Don't stop telling our elected officials where you stand. Click here to email federal officials and urge them to support Israel and our community. If you would like to donate your time, sign up here to join our volunteer team making phone calls to the offices of Members of Parliament. 

Take meaningful action in the workplace. We’re building networks of Jewish activists in key professional fields. Get involved to connect with supportive colleagues and access resources and guidance on how to tackle antisemitism in the workplace. Email us to get involved.  

Unions – November 29th at 7:30pm
Jewish union members will be convening for guidance on how to navigate the union landscape at this time. Please complete this brief survey prior to the meeting, to help inform our work. 

Public Sector/Government - December 5th at noon
This group will meet again on Tuesday December 5th at noon. We are facilitating the establishment of a collaborative network to share best practices and foster connections among industry professionals. Before the meeting, please take a moment to complete this very brief survey which will help inform our work. 

Are you an educator? We have resources that can help. Explore Unlearn It, a comprehensive, user-friendly resource hub for educators and parents to learn about, identify, and take action to confront antisemitism. There will be a session for educators on Wednesday November 22nd, details to be announced. 

Sharpen your social media advocacy skills. It is more important than ever to challenge hate and lies on social media. Join UJA Genesis on November 27th at 7PM for Unlocking Your Digital Power, a program to enhance your online advocacy skills with one of the world’s leading Jewish and pro-Israel advocates, Hen Mazzig. Register here. 

Monitor and report media bias. Click here to see a list of current action alerts from Honest Reporting Canada and take action against media distortions. 

Access support to address an issue of antisemitism. UJA Genesis is providing a peer-to-peer support service connecting those who need help to navigate an issue of antisemitism with trained volunteers who can assist. This service equips community members on a case-by-case basis with the tools they need to address antisemitism, have difficult conversations, and stand up for their rights. Click here to access helpNote that this service is only for incidents that do not involve security or emergency matters. 

Have you heard a concerning rumour about our local community’s security? Don’t share unverified information. Share it with UJA Community Security, including details that will help us identify first-hand witnesses and sources. Click here to report incidents and rumours. 

Israel At War

October 8, 2023

Dear Friends,
In these hours following Yom Tov, we are still trying to come to grips with the extent of the horror inflicted on Israel by Hamas, its allies, and supporters. Reports describe entire families butchered in their homes, grandmothers, mothers, and children kidnapped and taken hostage, 700 murdered, and thousands injured. Not since the Holocaust has so much Jewish blood been spilled in a single day.
In our pain and grief, we turn to the Ribbono Shel Olam, to send strength and comfort to our people, and especially to those most impacted by the terror. Adonai Oz Le'Amo Yiten. Beth Tikvah stands in complete solidarity with the State of Israel, the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, and the citizens of Israel. We demand the safe return of those taken prisoner, and swift justice for those responsible for these crimes, including Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism.
The coming weeks are likely to be very difficult, and bring more bloodshed. Pro-Israel organizations are organizing rallies, fundraisers, and other initiatives to show support. This includes a major solidarity rally organized by UJA Federation of Greater Toronto tomorrow at 7PM at Mel Lastman Square. Please contribute, please participate. This is a crucial time for us to put differences aside, and unite.
Previous conflicts have shown that we are likely to see spillover that will ignite more antisemitism in Canada. We are grateful for police support, and have taken steps to enhance security at our synagogue. But let there be no doubt - we see barbarism on the upswing in Canada. It is currently parading in plain-view on our streets, celebrating and endorsing the murder of innocents. This trend poses an existential and growing danger to Canada, and if our leaders don't do something to confront those who oppose the values of this country, we could very well face similar atrocities here.
I call upon the congregation to thank our political, academic, business, media, and interfaith leaders who are speaking up for Israel's right to self-defense. Together, we can stand up against this evil, strengthen international support for Israel, and make progress towards the co-existence and peace that we all yearn for.
We will honour the memory of the holy victims and ensure that their deaths were not in vain. We will fight for them, and for all freedom-loving people across the world. Am Yisrael Chai! Long live the State of Israel!
Rabbi Jarrod Grover
On behalf of Rivka Campbell, Executive Director
Barbara Albert, President
And all the clergy and staff of Beth Tikvah Synagogue

Sat, 27 July 2024 21 Tammuz 5784